

Addictions slowly killing our youths

Addiction is the inability of someone to stop using a substance or engaging in a behaviour even though it is causing psychological and physical harm t

Reviving the lost glory of science colleges in Kano

The then Kano State Ggovernment enacted a law in 1977 which was amended in 1978, to establish Science Secondary Schools Management Board.  The objecti

How to have a fair credible election

Elections in Nigeria have always been an expensive and perilous adventure, and often lead to violence, unending litigations among others. Since Nigeri

E-transmission of election results: Need for sensitization

Since the inception of democracy, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has been working tirelessly to improve the process by which ele

Kano Mass Transit Scheme: A way forward

Mass transit scheme is a system of transporting people from one location to the other through bus, train or subway etc. in towns or cities. Designated