

Tackling the oil thieves, economic saboteurs

One of the most obvious examples of Nigerian economic sabotage has been the theft of crude oil. Since the efforts made by successive governments to br

Food insecurity is a major problem in Nigeria

The Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated  that Nigeria’s food security situation has worsened in the last 15 years.   In an agrarian econom

2023 general elections: A historic election?

The reality that Nigeria urgently needs a change of guard is what the general elections in 2023 will most likely demonstrate. This is the sentiment th

2023: Time for all political campaigns to be through media

Democracy is supposed to promote peace, development and progress for the people of nations. It is supposed to unite the people and uplift the nations

Why Nigeria needs robust plan to fight poverty

Every October 17 is set aside to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty since 1987. The theme of this year’s event is “Dignity for