

Gov Fintiri and the complex cattle tax increment

Taxes and royalties collection is a fundamental avenue for a government to generate revenue to fund development in infrastructure and human capital. 

Re: Malam Adamu Adamu’s tears

I am not surprised that the Hon. minister laments the protracted turnaround of events  in the lingering  crisis related to  the seven-month ASUU strik

Re: Life pension for HoS, perm secs upsets contributory scheme

Thanks for the report on Life Pension for HoS and perm. secs. Pure and simple,they are civil servants, only fortuitously got appointed.   If career am

Kidnapping: A lucrative trade threatening Nigeria’s stability

By Adamu Farida Isa    In Nigeria, it is safe to say that kidnapping has grown into a flourishing multi-billion naira industry where kidnappers,

ASUU and the rest of us

By Halimat O. Shittu  Since February 14, 2022, university students have continued to stay at home, following an industrial action sanctioned by the Ac