

Buhari needs our understanding

President Buhari’s genuine intentions for Nigerians are solidly in mind even with current predicaments of man’s inhumanity, kidnapping and killing of

Re: Day Google Maps ‘misled’ me into python’s den

The management of the Directorate of Road Traffic Services (DRTS) has taken time to study the above back page publication of Daily Trust Newspaper of

Addressing menace of bullying in schools

Bullying, a situation where stronger children prey on the weakness and vulnerability of others, has sadly become a worrisome issue among children in o

Suicide is not an option

Although in Western philosophy, as surmised by Martin Heidegger in his Being and Time (1962 p.289), “As soon as man comes to life, he is at once old e

Bello Turji: Ignore that letter please

Bello Turji is one dangerous kidnap kingpin and a murderer with gusto and passion for spilling the blood of innocent citizens. His gang of heartless f