

Fake news: Can the media stem the tide?

The act of altering information has been there long before the emergence of social media, and it has been an active component of history for a long ti

The scourge of open defecation

In Nigeria, one of man`s most primal needs – the need to relieve one`s self – is under attack. This attack, which strikes at the very hear

Kudos to AEDC

I write to commend AEDC’s professionalism while solving a problem for me. I bought units for a wrong meter in Garki while I live in Maitama. Upon repo

Need for Commodities Price Regulatory Agency to stem inflation

By Aminu Imam   Never has there been a time more than ever before in our nation’s economic history when there is an urgent need for the introduct

A vote for establishment of African Medicines Agency

In February 2019, the African Union adopted a treaty to set up the African Medicines Agency but, for take-off, it required 15 African countries to sig