

Re: Like Peace Corps, like NATFORCE

Reference to the letter ‘Like Peace Corps, like NATFORCE’, published on page 17, Daily Trust June 11, 2021, the writer stated that the Nigerian Taskfo

Before equating HND with degree

Some background assignments should have preceded the passage of the bill ending the dichotomy between HND and degree by the Senate. First and foremost

Letter to minstrels of war

Dear minstrels of war, All is fair in war. No foul! Those drumming the beats and singing the song of war in Nigeria should take a minute to read this.

Please minister, pay the SPWP beneficiaries

Permit me a space to draw the attention of the Minister of State, Ministry of Labour and Productivity on the delay in the payment of Special Public Wo

Railway track vandalism: A sign of unpatriotism

I find it too odd and shameful that some unscrupulous elements are vandalising rail line infrastructures in some regions of the federation. These rail