

Israel’s right to defend itself

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.” Thomas Jefferson “Israel has the right to defend itself.” This phrase has become the fail-safe

Gen Dongonyaro: Exit of my hero

It was General Douglas McArthur (The American God of War) who while addressing the American Congress after President Harry Truman withdrew him from th

The bunkum call for restructuring by Southern governors

Southern governors gathered and called for restructuring of Nigeria. I will be happier to have Nigeria restructured, but I cannot see this call as any

Time to tackle tribalism in Yobe

Tribalism has had a huge effect on the development of our country Nigeria. Unfortunately, tribalism and sectionalism are rearing their heads in Yobe S

Tuesday’s Boko Haram invasion of Jiddari Polo

If not for the prompt and bold display of the troops of Operation Hadin Kai, in conjunction with the police and vigilantes, a different story would ha