

When Nigeria’s governors act like messiahs?

It is very unfortunate that today Nigeria’s governors are competing with each other for embellishing their cities with construction of multi-billion f

The Kogi debacle: A requiem for activism?

As a member of the young cadres in the field of activism, there are some older comrades we look up to for guidance and inspiration. However, l was tak

NEMA’s new leadership: Challenges and prospects

Nigeria grapples with a complex web of emergencies, from natural disasters from flooding to man-made ones like oil spills. The National Emergency Mana

Kogi debacle: A requiem for activism?

As a member of the young cadres in the field of activism, there are some older comrades we look up to for guidance and inspiration. However, l was tak

New bill in US Congress – A new beginning for Tibet

On 16 April, the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee put its stamp of approval on a Tibet-related bipartisan Bill (HR-533) which was passed two mo