

A tribute to my mentor, Sam Nda-Isaiah

I am still mourning you Sir, because you lived a life worthy of emulation. You shined with your ‘Big Ideas’, ‘Last Word’, ‘Earshot’ and other intellec

Another lockdown in Kaduna State?

There is an indication that Kaduna State will witness another lockdown unless the rising cases of COVID-19 are reduced drastically. The state governor

Who will save the north?

Northern Nigeria comprises 19 states. Politically, the region produced the one and the only Prime Minister in the country, three democratically electe

The Abuja-Kaduna road debacle: A joke too far

The agony and tragedies along the Abuja-Kaduna road have gone beyond a national embarrassment and have now become a vantage failure of our national se

Asefon and the demands of Nigerian students

It is no exaggeration to say that Nigerian students are in pain. The preeminent category of Nigerian students, Nigerian undergraduates, have   been