

COVID-19: Just before it gets out of hand

We have continued to appraise the unfortunate incidence of COVID – 19 from both a global and local perspective and salute the efforts of healthcare pr

End stigmatisation of TB patients

Nigerians should desist from stigmatising patients with tuberculosis, as the disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developing

The value of regular physical exercise

Regular physical exercise help to tune up the organs of the body, the muscles and nerves. Playing games also makes you to be emotionally and socially

Before you shut down those schools!

I am not in any way saying that schools should not be shut down. But some things must be gotten right and put in place first. Truth is that the pandem

Coronavirus in India

In unprecedented scenes, people across India came out on their balconies and clapped, rang bells, blew the conch shells and beat metal plates to show