

Backing certificate with skill acquisition

Youths are integral part of a nation’s building and development when it comes to population and productivity, surviving in the competitive and c

A second look at Tucano jet deal

In the past few weeks,   the Nigerian political space has been heated up by an unending uproar amongst motley of commentators over the trans

The blame game in Kaduna crisis won’t help

Over decades, there existed a good inter-communal relationship between Southern Kaduna farmers and Fulani herdsmen. This historical amity was such tha

Achieving Africa integration via entertainment industry

 African societies are essentially multi-ethnic and multicultural. Africa is the second most populous continent which is home to 1billion people,

Why Nigerian leaders should invest in youths

Nigeria is rich in natural and human resources. We have deposits of gold and silver just as we have the highly prized nickel. A consultant with the ra