

Much Ado about Buhari’s speech and the Rodents’ invasion

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari departed Abuja House in London on 19 August for Nigeria after a 105-day medical vacation. On arrival, all nooks and crannie

Issues over family planning in some homes

Some years ago, an elderly and respectable man summoned me to his house. A friend of mine was married to his daughter. When I arrived he requested tha

Assault on Nigerians abroad

Some months back, one of my lecturers sent me a web link that contained details of a writing competition that was themed on African leadership, securi

Buhari and the People of the Lie

So dry bones could still rise again? So corpses do walk? So “spot diagnosis” that can spot the dead from a far without medical prognosis c

Aregbesola and Osun pensioners

We read with dismay a report in some national newspapers recently, in which one of the associations of retirees, the Forum of 2011/2012 Pensioners, le