Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Handling third party interference in your home

Marriage is an exclusive club which leaves out other parties. When boundaries in marriage are created, they are done to provide a safe place for the c

Financial independence: To be or not to be?

Most women activists preach financial independence for every woman. But on the other hand some women argue that if their husbands are well-to-do and c

Is experience always the best teacher?

Life has many ups and downs, and the reason why things get mixed up in the journey of life is to make you smarter as you get older.  And of cours

When a spouse hides a love child

Ally and Misa (not real names) were so much in love during their courtship that their wedding became the talk of the town when they finally tied the k

What next after acquiring all?

Let’s remember that these material things don’t make us who we are. They don’t define us as women. As good as they are: it’s v