Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Appreciating gifts from your spouse

Mrs. Haruna (not real name) says: “My husband likes buying things like shoes and clothes for me but I don’t like them because they are not

Should your hands be in your pocket when speaking to elders?

Customs and etiquettes vary from one country to another. What some may consider as respect may be seen as disrespect in others. For example, in almost

How long will you wait for love?

We ask ourselves the question above when our hearts tell us that we are deeply loved. The truth repeatedly comes close only to pull away. Then we ask

Why you need to make, keep memories

It is believed that once a memory is stored, it stays with you always. While that may be true, over time memories can fade, or be pushed aside and cov

Accommodating relatives: At what cost?

An anonymous housewife shared this on social media recently: “My husband’s nephew lives with us and he has caused so many problems in our