Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Neighbours: How close is close?

When I was schooling and working in two different states which warranted my travelling a lot I gave one of the young married neigbhours the spare key

What constitutes good or bad phone etiquette?

Rewind to a few decades ago when phones where basically desk phones restricted to offices, phone booths and homes. Then, phone etiquette was considere

Should teenagers work & school at the same time?

The age bracket of teenagers ranges between 13 and 19 years and during this period, it is expected that most who are within that age range are seconda

White-collar or blue-collar job: Which one’s for you?

The distinction between blue collar and white collar jobs arose from the blue uniforms traditionally worn by men who carried out manual labour, which

Using the Arts to promote healthy aging

Throughout the country, the arts are pumping new life into the bodies and minds of the elderly. Two summers ago, a remarkable documentary called &ldqu