Life Xtra

Life Xtra

When insecurity becomes a problem in a relationship

The constant fear of breaking up and losing your partner can be extremely crippling to you and your relationship. You may dwell on thoughts of not bei

Turning your pet into a therapy dog

It did not take long for me to recognize the therapeutic potential of Max, the hypoallergenic five-month-old Havanese puppy I adopted in March 2014. H

Even with housemaids, should kids help with chores?

For the fear of damaging their relationship with their children, parents may be reluctant to involve them in household chores. They may even feel guil

Failure to Lunch

For 11 years, June Jo Lee, an ethnographer, has been travelling the country, talking to Americans about how they eat. She has often been in offices, o

Kids and make-up: The right age to begin

Make-up often represents a girl’s eagerness and excitement to be known as a ‘grown-up,’ and explore her attractiveness to peers. For