Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Should a parent’s influence affect a child’s future?

Research – and common sense – has shown that parents matter a lot in the lives of their children, especially in their adolescent years, wh

Social disparity between rich and poor kids

There are many compounding differences between kids who do well later in life and those who face great obstacles. Dealing with threats like this can c

What’s wrong with ‘taking away’ at a party?

When you attend a party these days, one of the things you easily notice is people who take extra food and drinks away after having their fill. Is ther

Christmas: Pleasure or pressure?

From time immemorial, the season of Christmas has meant, new clothes for children, presentation of gifts, slaughtering of chicken, goats or cows and p

Revenge or forgiveness, which tastes better?

A manager at an Abuja supermarket, Abduljaleel Salawudeen​, sees revenge as a deterrent to the offender. “Forgiveness is very good in terms