Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Building your child’s self-esteem

A child with a healthy self-esteem can be likened to a grooming ground against challenges of the world. According to Dr. Sears, author of ‘12 Wa

How easy is it to let go of the past?

Letting go of past hurts is not easy. Hurt has to run its course – so letting go too soon just might not work. Some pains linger and eat away at

Children & tech: Good, bad & ugly sides

Our world today is changing fast due to the introduction and upgrading of technology. Most people say it has brought positive results because of the i

When a child’s project shows a parental hand at work

I had been vaguely aware that a project was afoot, mainly because Finn had asked me to purchase the aforementioned trifold poster for him. I was also

Kindness: A reason to give what you can

A well-known scholar Dalai Lama is quoted as saying that: “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot surv