Life Xtra

Life Xtra

How do you react when your spouse disrespects your parents?

The society expects you to respect your parents and other elders whether they treat you right or not, a rule that often proves tough to obey. Rudeness

Making your house-help be the help that you need

The rate of crime committed by domestic staff has been on the rise over the years. In recent times, the media have been awash with house-helps taking

How important are workplace friendships?

Do you have friends at work? Few would dispute the power that a true friendship has to enrich our lives. But what role should friendship play in the w

Procrastination has affected you more than you realise

Samuel was young and his future seemed bright when he got admission into one of the best universities in the country to study Computer Engineering, hi

Who is to be blamed for a child’s poor performance?

Who takes responsibility for a child’s academic success? It is the parent or the teacher; or even the child himself? The answer to this vexing i