Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Private or public school: Where would you educate your child?

Although it is the primary responsibility of parents to instruct them, the school environment also contributes in moulding their character. Every pare

How can you reflect and change during Ramadan?

Ramadan is a sacred month in Islam and it is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is considered to be the most important and purest month

Should you bear your father’s name after you marry?

Marriage is an institution that plays a vital role in every society because it is the legal union of a man and woman. However, some people face the di

Ahead of the Aayatul Kubra

‘Yes I know but one can’t ever be sure, so I take extra precautions so as to have you just where I need you.’ I joked back, rising from the prayer mat

Where does change really begin?

However, the question many people ask is, where does change really start?Change is the only thing that is constant in life. According to one online di