Life Xtra

Life Xtra

How long should you wait before dating again?

Breakups are tough, regardless of the reasons. Sometimes people find it difficult to move on after a breakup for several reasons. When a relationship

Why are some spouses overly protective?

Marriage plays a significant role because it is considered to be a sacred institution in which a man and a woman legally become husband and wife. A so

How to deal with loneliness

Loneliness, in simple terms, could be defined as sadness due to lack of company. It is actually a state of mind, as it causes sufferers to feel alone

Why would anyone want an extravagant wedding?

Extravagant weddings are fast-becoming the in-thing, as people spend ridiculous sums of money to have their nuptials become the talk-of-town. A lady w

How helpful are house helps these days?

The tradition of keeping house helps goes back in time, in most homes, the working parents are left with no other choice but to hire some who would as