Life Xtra

Life Xtra

How do you handle work-place criticism?

Numerous workers receive criticism from either their bosses or even colleagues on a daily basis. Interestingly, some workers think criticism makes a p

How does work-related stress affect your health?

You have to work the extra hard for lowwages, do more than your best which may not be appreciated, meet and exceed expectations from bosses, bear toxi

Father of late comedy star Dan Ibro speaks…‘Life will never be the same without Rabilu’

How would you describe your late son, Rabilu?Rabilu, may his soul rest in peace, was the kind of son every father will pray to have. He took upon hims

Would you consider your partner’s job before marriage?

People get married for different reasons, one of which could be the job of the partner, while some are looking for companions others are after someone

Knowing when to end a relationship

Finally, you think of quitting, but still have doubts if that is the right step to take. Many people who are in unhealthy relationships find it hard t