Life Xtra

Life Xtra

How to pick appropriate gifts for Christmas

Gift giving and exchange during the Christmas season has always been one significant part of the celebration and it is not over-looked by many. But di

Why you must observe office etiquette

There is need for employees to be happy to induce a productive work environment. To ensure this, every worker, not just management, has to act as a ro

Do looks matter after marriage?

The question asked by many is ‘why do some women stop taking care of their bodies after marriage’? Is a woman’s looks after marriage an issue to the h

As a woman, would you ask a man out?

Back in the olden days, men went extra miles just to get the right response from a woman, some wrote love notes with fancy pens and applied nice fragr

Male or female boss: Which do you prefer?

Ever since the idea of gender equality became a major global issue, women have been given greater opportunities to assume top positions in several org