Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Can disappointments truly be blessings?

Life is all about give and take, this is the natural course of the earth which we have no power over. Life as it is and always will be, poses us with

What’s your impression of first impressions?

Making a positive first impression on one’s first encounter matters a lot and could be the defining term for a relationship. For Sylvanus Osemeha, fir

Do Nigerians really celebrate Father’s Day?

According to Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, after the success obtained by Anna Jarvis with the promotion of Mother’s Day in the United States, som

How do your principles affect others?

Some of these principles were formed due to belief, parental upbringing, environment and personal experience. According to Wikipedia: “a principle is

Does your name define who you are?

For example, among the Yoruba, the name Iyabode is given to a female child who was born after the demise of the grandmother, so also is the name Babat