Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Table manners: Do Nigerians really observe them?

Wikipedia describes table manners as the “rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils and the standar

Why would you marry your ex-partner?

Recently, I overheard a friend talking about one of her friends who was in a marriage bound relationship with a guy back in those days when they were

‘Disability has made me a strong activist’

Weekly Trust: How was growing up with disability like; what were the challenges you faced?Zainab Mustapha: It hasn’t been easy. The symptoms of polio

Is Mother’s Day losing personal touch to social media?

Mother’s Day was recently celebrated across the world on different days from the months of March to May, with the most recent being last Sunday. The d

Criticism: Does it bring out the angel or the devil in us?

According to Wikipedia, “criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone in an intelligible or articulate way. It c