Life Xtra

Life Xtra

What’s the best way to correct children?

“Even if daddy beats me hundred times nothing will happen. He is only beating me on my body but inside my mind, the beating is not entering.” These we

Is it easy for women to manage career alongside family?

In the olden days women were relegated to the background and considered simply home-makers. However, with the increasing economic demand on society an

Why should you stay in an unhappy relationship?

There are a lot of people who remain in lengthy yet unhappy relationships because they are afraid. They may have the fear of being single parents, and

Why and how you can plan your day successfully

Many of us simply wake up, take our bath, have breakfast and set out for the day. We do not take time out to plan our activities or programmes for the

How burdensome is it keeping another’s secrets?

Many people find it difficult to bottle up things inside them. “When I do, it feels like I’m being eaten up from within,” says Zira Yahaya. “I usually