Life Xtra

Life Xtra

How would you protect your spouse from your family’s toxicity?

In Africa, it is believed that you don’t marry your spouse alone. You also marry their family members. But not all of the family members would like yo

Forgiveness is a healing process, don’t force it

Many times, we have been hurt by persons who we have regard for, but their failure to acknowledge that they have hurt us and still demand an apology c

Would you earn less to have time for your kids?

While some people give up their career or earn less to have enough time to nurture and take good care of their children, others would rather spend les

Curtailing rising spate of women killing family members

Recently, cases of women killing their spouses, stepchildren and even rivals have taken a different dimension as most carry out this beastly act in th

Would you be open to adopting a child?

Children, they say, are the fruits and benefits of a marriage. In Africa, especially, it’s common to expect child/children from couples in the first o