Life Xtra

Life Xtra

9 things you shouldn’t say to your child

‘Leave me alone!’A parent who doesn’t crave an occasional break is a saint, a martyr, or someone who’s so overdue for some time alone she’s forgotten

What is wrong with using the left hand?

There is something sleek about the left hand. This is mainly because when a leftist uses that hand to write or work there is certain strangeness to th

How to unwind during a week off work

Steps1. Leave work at work. You have done what you could to finish up before the week started and there are still people in the office, workshop, wher

Ways to live a stress-free life

If I put more pressure on it, then it becomes a mental thing. I treat it the same as a free throw in the first quarter by doing the same routine every

Boys with sisters are less likely to do chores when they grow up

This exercise was supposed to help us figure out our expectations for our own marriage. If my dad was in charge of taking out the trash while I was gr