Life Xtra

Life Xtra

‘Every parent has a favourite child’

In his fascinating new book, The Sibling Effect: What Bonds Among Brothers and Sisters Reveal About Us, Jeffrey Kluger, a father of two daughters, age

Don’t undervalue yourself

Due to lack of confidence and self esteem, many of us tend to undermine and under value ourselves. In a lot of ways, many of us are self-suppressive o

Disciplining kids: Mums vs. dads

A popular line almost everyone is familiar with is “Spear the rod and spoil the child”. But whose responsibility is it, really, to discipline the chil

Maintaining a balance

Regardless how much our family means to us or how seriously we take our jobs there is need for us to take into cognizance that each of this is an inde

Why should boys do chores?

Requiring that boys are left out of certain chores is a matter of debate. Some believe a male child should be treated as such and not be required to d