Life Xtra

Life Xtra

12/12/12: Why it is just like any other day

“From two days before when my mum realised it would be a day with a unique date, and that it fell midweek she began drumming it in our ears that we we

Stay on track with your 2013 resolutions

The quickest route to falling off the health and fitness wagon is to set yourself unrealistic goals, which you simply haven’t thought through. Spendin

Just before you reel out your new year resolutions…

For the twenty eight year old shopkeeper, the act is something that he hopes will help him streamline his ambitions and lead to expectation at the end

A little here, a little there

Can you save the world? That question does not have a simple answer. A yes or no would still be wrong. No single person can save the world but every p

It’s all about you this season

At times like this parents, aunties, uncles, friends, big sisters and brothers are usually running around to shop and get presents for their kids niec