Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Stepmothering in the right direction

A topic discussed on a radio programme last week centred on what people feel about stepmothers. A lot of questions and allegations propped up on how w

Preparing kids for junior

It is a natural for children to experience sibling rivalry at some stage or the other. The rivalry can also manifest in different forms as a result of

Why do women need extra wardrobe?

As her friends waited impatiently for her to get dressed, Mercy Boyo dashed from her room to another and on each trip she added a piece of clothing un

Ways to boost yourself

“A clear illustration for how much boosting one’s self can do to the moral and wellbeing of a person is clear in the story of the lizard that falls of

Can a name shape your destiny?

In Nigeria, like other parts of the world, names are given great significance. But there are instances where some people divert from traditional names