Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Pull the reins on your indulgences

Many of us have weaknesses and special treats we like to indulge in. They may range from food, to cloths, our children and other aspects of our existe

How not to bury yourself in pompousity

How would you feel if you wanted to talk to someone and the person just snubbed you as if you never existed or made you feel that you are below his or

Quarrels: Relationship-killers or enhancers?

People ask, ‘What is a relationship without the occasional fireworks and sparks?’ The ‘you said’, ‘I said’ and the ‘you’ versus ‘me’ back and forth ar

Enhancing your beauty the right way

A woman, no matter how good she is inside, cannot expect to gain respect if she appears tattered. It is the way you carry yourself that makes people m

Spending time with yourself

Generally, there are not a lot of people who like to spend time alone and with their thoughts. Many people love to be around others whether it’s famil