Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Do right even when it’s hard!

The Oxford Dictionary defines integrity as, “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; an unimpaired condition; the quality or

How nature deals with good and evil

I remember a warm night in the summer, sitting out fishing in the pond. Now and then I could feel the vibrations along the line linking me with the li

Who is your friend, really?

Friends! Who are they, really, and who are those we consider as our true friends?  We interact with a lot of people in our lives, but does that make t

How to conquer fear

The Chambers Dictionary defines fear as the anxiety or distress caused by the expectation of danger or pain. It is also defined as an emotional respon

Defining your destiny

How do you know when you have arrived at the part of your life you consider your destiny? If you have been so fortunate, was it achieved via a random,