Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Happily ever after: Myth or reality

Most of people have this illusion of a happily ever after marriage. For them, they believed that anything asides this notion is a failed marriage. Is

The strength in giving support

A warm sincere smile from a spouse, a kind word of encouragement from a friend, a favourable appraisal from a superior, a motivating chat with a mento

Know thyself!

It is very easy for us to lose our identities or get them tangled in other people’s perceptions of us. There are a good number of us, who, if asked, ‘

Positive personality: What it takes

According to Halima Aliu Isa, a human resource officer, there are various steps to building a positive personality. “One of the steps is accepting res

Taming emotion while taking decisions

Very often we are overwhelmed by situations and challenges we encounter daily and don’t manage them properly in many cases. Deciding and taking decisi