Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Friends of the opposite sex, what’s wrong with it?

Mitchell Abodi said, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping a female friend when I am in a relationship. It will help me understand my woman

Living victoriously after defeat

Are you at that place in your life where you seem not to be able to continue with living due to the feeling that you have been defeated in one way or

Kids & parents, building lasting bonds

Of all the relationships that we build in our lives, the parent-child relationship is one of the most important, and should not be wished away under a

How golden is silence?

Truth be said, silence is not always golden and is not always the best answer for some situations. People have often died in this silence or are curre

Turn child-raising into child’s play

There are no gifts from parents to their children more precious than good training or morals. It is a divine instruction that parents should treat the