Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Is it love…or over-protectiveness?

It is a natural thing to protect our children. However, some mothers undertaking this singular but important assignment do it to the extreme. For reas

Build and dote on that mother-daughter bond!

After many years of growing up to become a woman and subsequently into a mother, things change.  Women often argue with their mothers, because the lat

Do you reflect you?

It is not given that life will give you what you have given it or that things will turn out as you have designed them, but what is important is that y

10 signs you’re depressed but don’t know it

1. You are over-confident and fearless Many people–and especially high achievers–cope with depression by acting in ways opposite to how th

Gratitude: One of the secrets to happiness

Happiness seems to elude some people because some of us tend to pursue it in the wrong direction. We tend to believe at times that the more wealth or