Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Who should love and care more?

Love and care should be reciprocal in any relationship, Bridget Chiedu, culture and tourism journalist says. “I don’t think it should be the prerogati

Pride will take you for a ride

Feeling that you are above other people and are far better than them in all ramifications is a cheap way of building self-esteem because the concept i

What’s wrong if a woman proposes?

“I will feel so threatened and uncomfortable if that happened to me. Besides it is a man’s world and not at all her place to do that. I don’t think it

Don’t rest on your oars!

Everyone has a set goal in life, but for many of us this dream of reaching this goal never goes beyond the figments of our imaginations because we fee

What resentment can cause among people

This arises when you think that something is unfair, perhaps you are holding a grudge or angry about a particular issue.  There is either a deliberate