Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Let your friends see your true colours

Have you ever questioned the integrity of your friend or have you ever felt used by your friends? Many people are continually faced by these questions

Don’t be too harsh on yourself

Do you have trouble standing your ground? Do you weigh both sides of every single situation? How often do you advocate for yourself or rather how ofte

Get over fear and live!

The Chambers Dictionary defines fear as the anxiety or distress caused by the expectation of danger or pain. It is also defined as an emotional respon

Forgiveness – A balm for our wounds

According to Oxford advanced learners dictionary, forgiveness is the act of forgiving somebody; willingness to forgive somebody. Sometimes, we need to

Your kids or spouse, who’s more important?

Marriage is the oldest sacrament in the world where a man and woman are joined together by law, tradition and/or religion to become husband and wife.