Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Jealousy, a killer disease

Is your partner’s out of control jealousy and rapid questions about where you’ve been, who you have been with and what were you doing driving you craz

Do quarrels make or mar relationships?

People ask, ‘What is a relationship without the occasional fireworks and sparks?’ The ‘you said’, ‘I said’ and the ‘you’ versus ‘me’ back and forth ar

When was your last night out?

It is amazing how in the beginning of a relationship both have and spend quality time for and with one another! When you were dating, you made the eff

A painless goodbye

Goodbye they say is the hardest word to say to someone you cherish. Sometimes, you want to say good bye but you cannot get the words because deep in y

Education: Key to success?

Nowadays, especially among the youths and teenagers, there is the common conviction that success in life is not based on education or passing exams. A