Life Xtra

Life Xtra

When you fall, rise!

Such experiences can set us back a great deal emotionally, relationship-wise and even financially. The immediate and instinctive response to such chal

A challenge could be an opening

Life is filled with all sorts of trials and challenges, but regardless of the forms in which they come, challenges can sometimes stop us in our tracks

Why battle of sexes will continue

Some husbands are of the opinion that even the women have neglected their duties as wives and are now more engrossed in their work than the home front

Teaching the man a sense of purpose in life

Is it being macho and facing life challenges without a single tear? Is a strong man one who is feared by others? Or is man’s strength weighed by the n

Is confrontation really necessary?

There are many people who cannot handle confrontation and begin to shiver at the likelihood of having one. ‘They lose control of their voice pitch and