Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Keeping your emotions checked

For different individuals, emotions mean different things. For some, the difference between emotions and feelings is that feelings are responses to em

Finding positivity in criticism

Criticism comes in many forms. It can be polite, constructive, harsh, or plainly rude. The way you choose to use criticism determines how it affects y

Strict parenting gone overboard

In order to ensure that their children exhibit the best of behaviour and abide by certain principles and standards that will go with them into adultho

Living life for a purpose

Have you ever wondered why you are here in this world or what is your purpose in life? Although many people believe they have a purpose, they often ha

Words not to use on your kids

Unknowingly, as adults, they use words which do not come across as detrimental to them on their kids. This could lead to low self-esteem in the childr