Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Are parents perfect role models?

In the words of Dr. Magaret Paul, author of Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? “Whoever coined this phrase didn’t know much about children. C

Why you should be nice to people you dislike

In fact, you just may be surprised how the age-old adage about “catching more flies with honey than vinegar” holds a lot of validity. The next time so

Native language: Onyiza as a metaphor

Annoyingly, Onyiza could not act to the instructions. This scenario is  a common occurrence in many homes as there are many Onyizas  who cannot speak

Rejected? But it’s not over!

Many women are always at the receiving end of being rejected especially in married life. We have heard and read of several cases of women being reject

Which do you prefer: The blunt truth or a white lie?

“I have lost all sense of justification since I came to realize the truth. It has really been a big blow to me as I do not seem to be able to focus on