Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Enhance your self-worth

Many times, we offer our shoulders for friends and family to cry on when they experience mishaps or failures. We console them using encouraging and mo

Who are your friends?

Friends! Who are they really? Who are those we consider as our true friends? We interact with a lot of people in our lives. Does that make them all fr

What is the perfect Christmas Day?

Before and above everything else, we first need to appreciate that Christmas is all about the Christmas spirit and being in it. Without the Christmas

Temper, temper: Watch it, cool it!

We are all guilty of these traits one way or the other. Whether you brush it off and move on, or lash it out in frustration, how you deal with anger a

Making decisive decisions on indecisiveness

Life is tough and throws so many challenges at us as well as pleasant encounters. Quite often, it is full of tough decisions, ambiguity, dilemmas, see