Life Xtra

Life Xtra

The power of ‘Please,’ ‘Thank you’ and ‘Sorry’

In our day to day life, we are assisted by people, service boys, car drivers and maids. Some based on our promptings; others are voluntary given by th

A mother like no other

Even with these general qualities, the definition of mother varies from person to person. My mother covers all variations, she is as diverse as one in

What is your child up to?

prostitution petty stealing and robbery, of recent, kidnapping etc. many of these indulgencies by kids have seen many parents going down in tears of s

Step out of your comfort zone

We always have desires to attain certain heights in life, but for many of us this dream never goes beyond the figments of our imaginations because we

Are you a snooping freak?

    Women are naturally curious and when they become wives, their curiosity naturally doubles or in some cases triples. At times, people tend to forge