Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Tricks women play on men

When a child knows he wants to get something from his parents, he will put up his behavior and do as he is told. He is even willing to go the extra mi

How hard is it to do the right thing?

Integrity, according to oxford dictionary is, “Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values; an unimpaired condition; the quality o

Every challenge is an opportunity

Although many may argue that challenges are for the ungodly and unbelievers, one cannot entirely agree with this view as even the greatest role models

How sincere is your apology?

There are people who just tender apology just to keep the paece, they really do not meant it. Simply uttering an apology for an apology to be accepted

What’s with ladies and their handbags?

There is a saying that you shouldn’t pry into a woman’s handbag, lest something bites you.  Handbags used to be purses and small posh bags to hold ite