Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Change really is the only constant thing!

Change is inevitable in our lives. Many of us must have come face to face with many challenging moments or situations in our lives that we never reall

When not to tell the truth

“Is it possible to be completely transparent in your relationships? In other words, how honest do you consistently need to be with your friend or spou

Not the fall, but rising after it

Regardless of what angle we look at it from, disappointments are inevitable. Experiencing a ‘fall’, disappointment or mishap in life can be quite a de

Parenting in the right direction

Last week a friend posted on her facebook status the question her son asked. His question went thus ‘mum why should I trust adults?’ The said mother w

When was your last good evening?

In the last two months the most used words in this house are ‘Honey, what’s for dinner?’ Followed by ‘could you pass me the remote’; and the last set,