Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Mothers or murderers?

Following this definition, can we then call a woman who gives birth but abandons the child to its fate or kills the child a mother? Also, is it possib

Take time with time

There is a saying which goes like this:  there is an account which opens afresh every day. It allows you to use up as much deposit therein as you can

Who is a true friend?

How can we find true friendship in this often phony, temporary world? Friendship involves recognition or familiarity with another’s personality. Frien

Cut out the clutters!

Worse still is when this space is your home. It can make living there stressful because of the chaos surrounding you; and yet it does not have to be l

Change your mind, change your life

The thoughts which go through your mind are responsible for the actions you take and decisions you make. You could say they are responsible for the oc