Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Happiness is your right

Happiness radiates from within us. We will have to search for happiness within ourselves, which is most difficult to find. Why, you may ask. It is bec

One man’s failure, another’s success

In recent times especially during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, one of the most common descriptions of the Super Eagles national team by fans is

The pain – and gain – of goodbyes

In most relationships, it is better if the partners separate than struggle to remain together, but bringing oneself to say goodbye in a relationship d

Confrontation: Necessary or not?

This is a challenging situation that is a major part of situations faced daily.Psychologists have established the fact that confrontation is not synon

Just telling the truth

What is meant by the term, “honesty” varies for some people, however a popular misconception of honesty equates the virtue with always “telling it lik