Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Child brides: Love or abuse?

Marriage is regarded as a social union or legal contract between individuals who creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relation

Pick your battle wisely!

Every day, we have aspects of life we like and others we do not like. There will always be people who will not always agree with some aspects of what

The trance of superiority and pride!

Feeling that you are above other people and far better than them in all ramifications, is a kind of cheap way of building self esteem because the conc

Yes! Men are worse gossips than women

There are also people who invest valuable time talking about other people especially because they are envious of them and cannot have what such people

Why your kids should do chores!

Many parents especially mothers think that sparing the child from any household chores is a way of showing love but it is just like the good old adage