Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Respect others even when they don’t earn it

But that is not what respect should be about. Such circumstances are not what should elicit respect from us to our neighbours. There should not be the

Don’t bite the fingers that fed you

“I keep asking myself, if it were so, why I would I have to wait until they were full grown adults, before I started bewitching them. It would have be

Define yourself and discover your destiny

How do you know when you have finally arrived at the portion of your life you consider your destiny? If you have been so fortunate, was it achieved vi

Forgive yourself as you forgive others

Do you find yourself sometimes making statements like, ‘Something really overwhelming has happened and I can’t get it out of my head!’ or ‘I still can

When silence is not golden

Truth is this is usually not the reality in many situations. People have often died in this silence or are currently suffering in situations where cha